Tutorial Transcript
Hey guys! I’m Yuting. Today we’re going to talk about the Top 25 Chinese nouns. Let’s begin! 杯子 (bēi zi) "Cup / Glass" 这个是红酒杯,是喝红酒用的。 (Zhège shì hóngjiǔ bēi, shì hē hóngjiǔ yòng de.) "This is a wine glass, it's used for drinking wine." 这个是茶杯,喝茶用的。 (Zhège shì chábēi, hē chá yòng de.) "This is a tea cup, it's used for drinking tea." 保温杯,是可以保持里面水的温度的。 (Bǎowēn bēi, shì kěyǐ bǎochí lǐmiàn shuǐ de wēndù de.) "This is a thermos, it's used to keep water warm or cold." 汽车 (qì chē) "Car" 小汽车 (xiǎo qìchē) 吉普車 (jípǔchē) "Jeeps" 大客车 (dà kèchē) "bus" or you can just say 巴士 (bāshì). 赛车/F1赛车 (sàichē / F-yī sàichē) "go-kart / Formula One car" 电脑 (diàn nǎo) "Computer" 我的电脑不工作了。我的电脑坏了。请帮我修一下! (Wǒ de diànnǎo bù gōngzuòle. Wǒ de diànnǎo huàile, qǐng bāng wǒ xiū yīxià!) ("My computer is not working. My computer is broken. Please fix it for me!") 手机 (shǒu jī) "Cellphone" 我不想玩手机啦,我想和你一起出去散步。 (Wǒ bùxiǎng wán shǒujī la, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ yīqǐ chūqù sànbù.) "I don't want to play with the cellphone, I want to take a walk with you." Deal? 衣服 (yī fu) "Clothes" 这件衣服好漂亮呀,我想试一试。 (Zhè jiàn yīfú hǎo piàoliang ya, wǒ xiǎng shì yī shì.) ("This clothing is beautiful, I want to try it on. ") 食物 (shí wù) "Food" My favorite topic! 小笼包 (xiǎo lóng bāo) (steamed dumplings) 火锅 (huǒguō) "hot pot" 麻婆豆腐 (má pó dòufu) ("Mapo tofu") Hey guys, what’s your favorite Chinese dish? please tell me. 你最喜欢的中国食物 (nǐ zuì xǐhuān de zhōngguó shíwù) 筷子 (kuài zi) "Chopsticks" Hey guys, I can do a magic. 筷子,筷子,快出来! (Kuàizi, kuàizi, kuài chūlái!) ("Chopsticks, chopsticks, appear!") Chopstick! Yeah! 包 (bāo) "Bag" 这是我的包。 (Zhè shì wǒ de bāo.) "This is my bag." 水 (shuǐ) "Water" This is a "bottle of water" 瓶装水 (píngzhuāng shuǐ). 咖啡 (kā fēi) "Coffee" 我每天早晨都喝咖啡。 (Wǒ měitiān zǎochén dōu hē kāfēi.) ("I drink coffee every morning.") But I didn’t drink this type of coffee, I drink this. 书 (shū) "Book" "This is a book." Let’s pretend it’s a book. 这是书。 (Zhè shì shū.) If you want to say "This is a book, too." 这也是书。 (Zhè yěshì shū.) 本子 (běn zi) "Notebook" "Excuse me, how much is this notebook?" 不好意思,请问一下这个本子多少钱呢? (Bù hǎoyìsi, qǐngwèn yīxià zhège běnzi duōshǎo qián ne?) 床 (chuáng) "Bed" For example, this is a bed. 啊,这个床好软,好舒服。 (A, zhège chuáng hǎo ruǎn, hǎo shūfú.) "The bed is so soft and comfortable." 家 (jiā) "Home" Home sweet home. 欢迎来我家作客。 (Huānyíng lái wǒjiā zuòkè.) "You are welcome to visit my home." 女人 (nǚ rén) "Woman" These are my family members, and this woman is my mother. 我的妈妈是一个传统的中国女人。 (Wǒ de māmā shì yīgè chuántǒng de zhōngguó nǚrén.) "My mother is a traditional Chinese woman." 男人 (nán rén) "Man" "This man is my father." 这个男人是我爸爸。 (Zhège nánrén shì wǒ bàba.) 大人 (dà rén) "Adult" "In China, if you turn 18, you will be an adult." 在中国,如果你年满十八周岁后就是大人了。 (Zài zhōngguó, rúguǒ nǐ nián mǎn shíbā zhōusuì hòu jiùshì dàrénle.) 成年人 (chéngnián rén). 小孩 (xiǎo hái) "Child" In Chinese, “child” and “children” are the same, 小孩 (xiǎo hái). And tell you a secret, "In China, the children ticket is half the price." 在中国,小孩票半价。 (Zài zhōngguó, xiǎohái piào bànjià.) 老人 (lǎo rén) "the elderly" In China especially during the Chinese spring festival, if you want to visit your friend’s home, you will say to the elderly 祝老人健康长寿。 (Zhù lǎorén jiànkāng chángshòu.) "May the elderly live longer and stay healthy." 学生 (xué shēng) "Students" "In China, students have to wear uniforms." 在中国,学生必须穿校服。 (Zài zhōngguó, xuéshēng bìxū chuān xiàofú.) And the uniform is really ugly, I don’t like it. It’s just a sportswear; I like the Japanese uniform, it’s my dream. 钱 (qián) "Money" Ok guys, I want to share a Chinese slang with you. 钱不是万能的,但没钱是万万不能的。 (Qián bùshì wànnéng de, dàn méi qián shì wàn wàn bùnéng de.) that means ”Money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing." 米饭 (mǐ fàn) "Rice" This is map of China, and I want to tell you that the rice in the north part is more delicious than those in the south. 在中国,北方的米饭比南方的好吃。 (Zài zhōngguó, běifāng de mǐfàn bǐ nánfāng de hào chī.) 汤 (tāng) "Soup" This soup is made with eggs and tomatoes, and this soup is very common in China, because it’s delicious, convenient, and affordable. 建议 (jiàn yì) "Suggestions" Guys, ”please give me some suggestions about my video” 请给我的视频一些建议 (Qǐng gěi wǒ de shìpín yīxiē jiànyì). 拜托啦,谢谢。 (bàituō la, xièxiè.) (“Please, and thank you.") 钱包 (qiánbāo) "Wallet" But in my wallet, just have 10 Yuan. 我的钱包里只有十块钱。 (Wǒ de qiánbāo lǐ zhǐyǒu shí kuài qián.) Okay, guys! That’s our word list of the top 25 Chinese nouns today. Guys, please try to use it everyday in your daily life, and then you can speak it very fluently in the future. Don’t forget to subscribe, thank you! Thanks for watching, bye bye.