Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hi, I'm Rui. Welcome to Chinese Top Words! Today we are going to learn 10 ways to save the planet in Chinese. Let's get started! 循环利用 (xúnhuán lìyòng) "to recycle" The first one is 循环利用 (xúnhuán lìyòng). 循环(xúnhuán) means “cycle” or ”recycle;” 利用 (lìyòng) means “use.” You combine together, 循环利用 (xúnhuán lìyòng), it means "recycle.” For example, 这个瓶子要丢进循环利用的那个垃圾桶。 (Zhège píngzi yào diū jìn xúnhuán lìyòng de nà ge lājītǒng.) "This bottle should be tossed in the recycling can. " Ok, I'm now living in Japan, recycle is very important and very required in this country, I like it very much. 我非常喜欢循环利用 (Wǒ fēicháng xǐhuān xúnhuán lìyòng). I'm a very environment-friendly person, as you can see. 当志愿者 (dāng zhìyuànzhě) "to be a volunteer" The next one is 当志愿者 (dāng zhìyuànzhě) "to be a volunteer.” For example,当一名志愿者我感到很光荣。 (Dàng yì míng zhìyuànzhě Wǒ gǎndào hěn guāngróng.) "I feel proud to be a volunteer." 当(dāng) means “to be;” 志愿(zhìyuàn) is a verb, 志愿者 (zhìyuànzhě) is “a person who volunteer.” So think about, like, “teacher,” “teach” is a verb, if you add “-er” after “teach,” it refers to the person who teach; so the same thing in Chinese. I like volunteering, as long as it's getting paid. 乘坐公共交通 (chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng) "to use public transportation" The next one is 乘坐公共交通 (chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng) to use public transportation 尽量少开私家车,多乘坐公共交通。 (Jǐnliàng shǎo kāi sījiāchē, duō chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng.) "Try not to use you own cars and use public transportation more. " 减少垃圾 (jiǎnshǎo lājī) "to reduce trash" For example, 减少垃圾的制造也可以减轻人类对环境的污染。(Jiǎnshǎo lājī de zhìzào yě kěyǐ jiǎnqīng rénlèi duì huánjìng de wūrǎn.) "Reducing the production of trash could also help with the pollution that human beings did to the environment." So 减(jiǎn) means “cut;” 少(shǎo) means “less;” so 减少(jiǎnshǎo) means “make amount less,” “to reduce the amount.” 爱护环境 (àihù huánjìng) "to care for the environment" The next one is 爱护环境 (àihù huánjìng) "to care for the environment" For example, 爱护环境,人人有责。 (Aìhù huánjìng, rénrén yǒu zé.) "Everyone should be responsible for caring and protecting our environment." 爱护(àihù) in English, it means “care for;” so you care for the environment. But in Chinese, you don't care for people so much, like, 爱护人类 (àihù rénlèi), 爱护(àihù) a human being, 爱护(àihù) my boyfriend, 爱护(àihù) my sister, sounds a little weird; but 爱护环境 (àihù huánjìng) is okay. The only thing I did for care for the environment, maybe recycling in japan and being cute and clean for myself. 使用环保产品 (shǐyòng huánbǎo chǎnpǐn) "to use eco-friendly products" For example, 多使用环保产品,比如可再生的纸张。 (Duō shǐyòng huánbǎo chǎnpǐn, bǐrú kě zàishēng de zhǐzhāng.) "Use eco-friendly products, such as reproducible paper." Personally, frankly speaking, I don't use eco-friendly products so much. Why? Sometimes they can be very pricey, right? A little pricey, maybe, I cannot afford them. 节约用水 (jiéyuē yòng shuǐ) "to save water" 节约(jiéyuē) means “save;” so you can 节约用电 (jiéyuē yòng) “save the electricity.” “save the energy” 节约能量 (jiéyuē néngliàng). “Save” means 节约(jiéyuē). For example, 做到节约用水其实很简单。 (Zuò dào jiéyuē yòng shuǐ qíshí hěn jiǎndān.) "Saving water is actually a very easy thing to do." 利用太阳能 (lìyòng tàiyáng néng) "to use solar power" The next one, 利用太阳能 (lìyòng tàiyáng néng) "to use solar power.” 利用太阳能灯绿色能源是解决污染问题的关键。 (Lìyòng tàiyángnéng dēng lǜsè néngyuán shì jiějué wūrǎn wèntí de guānjiàn.) "Using green powers, such as solar power, is a key solution to pollution. " 节约用电 (jiéyuē yòngdiàn) "save electricity" The next one, 节约用电 (jiéyuē yòngdiàn) "to save electricity" For example, 随手关灯,节约用电。 (Suíshǒu guāndēng, jiéyuē yòngdiàn.) "Turn off the lights when you leave and save the electricity." So like what do we have mentioned before, 节约(jiéyuē) means “save;” you can “save water,” 节约用水 (jiéyuē yòng shuǐ). 节约用电 (jiéyuē yòngdiàn) "save electricity" 节约能量 (jiéyuē néngliàng) “save the energy” 不使用一次性产品 (bù shǐyòng yīcìxìng chǎnpǐn) "not to use disposable products" For example, 不使用一次性产品,比如一次性餐盒和筷子。 (Bù shǐyòng yícìxìng chǎnpǐn, bǐrú yícìxìng cān hé hé kuàizi .) In English, ”don't use disposable products, such as disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks." So 一次性产品 (yīcìxìng chǎnpǐn) refers to disposable products. Let's work hard together on this point, I'll try not to use it. Ok, today we already covered 10 ways to save the planet in Chinese. I hope you enjoyed it and let us know which is your favorite Chinese phrase to save the planet. Don't forget to check out ChineseClass101.com. I’ll see you there, bye!