Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hi, everybody, welcome! Today our topic is 10 New Year's resolution! What's your new year resolution? Maybe you can find it in this lesson. So let's begin! 减肥 (jiǎnféi) "lose weight" 减肥是女人的终生事业。 (jiǎnféi shì nǚrén de zhōngshēngshìyè.) “To lose weight is a whole life career for girls.” 健康饮食有利于减肥。 (jiànkāng yǐnshí yǒulìyú jiǎnféi.) “A healthy diet is good for losing weight." 规律运动 (guīlǜ yùndòng) "exercise regularly" 规律运动帮我保持健康。 (Guīlǜ yùndòng bāng wǒ bǎochí jiànkāng.) "Exercising regularly keeps me healthy." Yeah! 多阅读 (duō yuèdú) "read more" 多阅读才能了解世界。 (Duō yuèdú cáinéng liǎojiě shìjiè.) "You can know the world by reading more." 存钱 (cúnqián) "save money" This word is so useful, because I really want to save money. "Why do you want to save money?” 你为什么想要存钱? (Nǐ wèishénme xiǎng yào cúnqián?) “To travel?” 旅行? (Lǚxíng?) “To go to college?" 上大学? (Shàng dàxué?) Please comment! 学习新东西 (xuéxí xīn dōngxi) "learn something new" 你应该每天都学习新东西。 (Nǐ yīnggāi měi tiān dōu xuéxí xīn dōngxi.) "You should learn something new every day." 少喝酒 (shǎo hē jiǔ) "drink less" 少喝酒不仅有利于你自己的健康,而且有利于家庭合睦。 (shǎo hē jiǔ bùjǐn yǒulìyú nǐ zìjǐ de jiànkāng, érqiě yǒulìyú jiātíng hé mù.) "Drinking less does not only benefit your own health; it also benefits family happiness." Please drink less for your kids, for your family. 戒烟 (jièyān) "quit smoking" 戒烟 (jièyān) "quit smoking" 戒烟需要毅力。(jièyān xūyào yìlì.) "To quit smoking it needs will power." So please, for your health, please, please quit smoking. 健康饮食 (jiànkāng yǐnshí) "eat healthy" 健康饮食非常重要。 (Jiànkāng yǐnshí fēicháng zhòngyào.) "Eating healthy is so important.” Please eat more “fruits” 水果 (shuǐguǒ), “vegetables” 蔬菜 (shūcài), and “protein” 蛋白质 (dànbáizhì). 世界旅行 (shìjiè lǚxíng) "travel the world" 世界旅行是我最大的梦想。 (Shìjiè lǚxíng shì Wǒ zuì dà de mèngxiǎng.) "Traveling the world is my biggest dream." We're here, go here, yeah! Let's go! 跟ChineseClass101.com一起学中文 (gēn ChineseClass101.com yìqǐ xué Zhōngwén) "To learn Chinese with ChineseClass101.com" Yeah, we have lots of video and audio to help you to learn Chinese, so 我们一起学中文吧。 (Wǒmen yìqǐ xué Zhōngwén ba.) "Let's learn Chinese together." Okay, that's all for today! Today we learned 10 New Year's resolution. So what's your resolution for the new year? Please comment below, tell me. I really want to know! Don't forget to subscribe! Bye-bye, see you next time! Take care!