Tutorial Transcript
Welcome to Chinese Top Words. My name is Rui. Today, we are going to talk about the top 10 most common tourist vocabulary in Chinese. Let’s get started! 票 (piào) “ticket” 一张门票多少钱? (Yì zhāng ménpiào duō shǎo qián?) “How much is one ticket?” 票 (Piào), it’s a general term for ticket. You can say 车票 (Chēpiào) “ticket for train or bus”. 车 (Chē) means “vehicles” or 飞机票 (Fēijī piào) “airplane ticket”, 门票 (ménpiào). 门票 (ménpiào) can be used for museum or the zoo. Anything for that is 门票 (ménpiào) ticket. 游客 (yóukè) “tourist” 这里的外国游客很多。 (Zhèli de wàiguó yóukè hěn duō.) “There are lots of foreign tourists here.” 行程 (xíngchéng) “itinerary” 我们今天的行程是怎样的? (Wǒmen jīntiān de xíngchéng shì zěnyàng de?) “What's our itinerary like today?” I usually do not like the itinerary arranged by Chinese travel agency. They usually send you to the place where a pack of, a lot of tourists. Recently, there was some fresh startup in travel agencies and they do set up / arrange some very interesting itinerary for tourists and they will introduce you to the local people so it’s quite fun and fresh so different from before. 旅游巴士 (lǚyóu bāshì) “tour bus” 我们的旅游巴士停在2号停车场。 (Wǒmen de lǚyóu bāshì tíngzài èrhào tíngchēchǎng.) “Our tour bus is parked at the No.2 parking lot.” 酒店 (jiǔdiàn) “hotel” 我们的酒店里有洗衣服务吗? (Wǒmen de jiǔdiàn lǐ yǒu xǐyī fúwù ma ?) “Does our hotel have a laundry service?” 酒 (Jiǔ) actually means “alcohol”, 店 (diàn) means “shop” so some foreigners are confused. Literally, it means a shop which sells alcohol, but actually, it means hotel. I think personally, maybe before in Ancient China, they have alcohol on the first floor and they will sleep on the second floor so by the time, so by the time, people will refer the place which sells alcohol also a place for living so 酒店 (jiǔdiàn) means “hotel”. 寺院 (sìyuàn) “temple” 这是一座很有名的佛教寺院。 (Zhè shì yí zuò hěn yǒu míng de Fójiào sìyuàn.) “This is a famous Buddhist temple.” There are many Buddhist temples in China, but you don’t have to only focus on the famous one. You can go to very small one Buddhist temple. You will have different discovery, interesting experience too. 山 (shān) “mountain” 泰山是中国的名山。 (Tàishān shì Zhōngguó de míngshān.) “Tai Mountain is a well-known mountain in China.” I’ve never been to Tai Mountain, but I live quite close to another famous mountain in China which is called Huangshan. Huang means “yellow” so the yellow mountain, Huangshan. I strongly recommend it. This is the most famous one for the beautiful scenery. In Huangshan, you will see so many different stones which looks like people or animal or even a story like two people are playing chess and they are naturally made, not like artificially made. It’s very interesting and unique experience. 瀑布 (pùbù) “waterfall” 位于贵州的黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布。 (Wèiyú Guìzhōu de huángguǒshù pùbù shì Zhōngguó zuì dà de pùbù.) “The Huangguoshu Waterfall is the biggest waterfall in China.” 宫殿 (gōngdiàn) “palace” 这座宫殿有很长的历史。 (Zhè zuò gōngdiàn yǒu hěn cháng de lìshǐ.) “This palace has a long history.” 导游 (dǎoyóu) “guide” 我们的导游是一位二十来岁的小姑娘。 (Wǒmen de dǎoyóushì yí wèi èrshí lái suì de xiǎo gūniang.) “Our tour guide is a girl in her 20s.” 小姑娘 (Xiǎo gūniang) literally, it means “little girl”, but you can also refer it to woman in her 20s. 小姑娘 (Xiǎo gūniang), it sounds close and intimate, sounds lovely. Thank you for watching today’s Chinese Top Words and I hope you remembered some useful words for visiting China in the future and I will see you next time. Bye!