Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hello, everybody! Today our topic is 10 foods that will kill you faster. So in the daily life don't eat any kind of these foods every day, ok? Let's begin! 腊肉 (Làròu) "Bacon (Chinese bacon)" 腊肉中有很多硝酸盐。 (Làròu zhōng yǒu hěn duō xiāo suān yán.) "There's a lot of nitrate in bacon." So that's kind of chemical will kill you faster. This is a bacon. 冷冻食品 (ěngdòng shípǐn) "frozen food" 冷冻食品解冻后细菌会成倍增长。 (Lěngdòng shípǐn jiědòng hòu, xījūn huì chéngbèi zēngzhǎng.) "Bacteria will multiply when frozen food is thawed." Frozen food. 加工肉类 (jiāgōng ròulèi) "processed meat" 食用加工肉类会增加患肠癌的危险。 (Shíyòng jiāgōng ròulèi huì zēngjiā huàn chángáide wēixiǎn.) "Eating processed meat will increase the risk of getting bowel cancer." Processed meat. Mmmm… Delicious! 方便面 (fāngbiàn miàn) "instant noodles" 方便面 (fāngbiàn miàn) "instant noodles" I think everyone will like instant noodles because it’s delicious, affordable and very easy to make but, 方便面缺乏维生素和矿物质。 (Fāngbiànmiàn quēfá wéishēngsù hé kuàngwù zhì.) "Instant noodles lack vitamins and minerals." 糖果 (tángguǒ) "candy" I love candy! Do you like candy? But candy is high in calories. 糖果的热量很高。 (Tángguǒ de rèliàng hěn gāo.) Its little bit dangerous. 能量饮料 (néngliàng yǐnliào) "energy drinks" “Energy drinks have a lot of caffeine”, so that’s a problem. 能量饮料中有很多咖啡因。 (Néngliàng yǐnliào zhōng yǒu hěn duō kā fēi yīn.). 苏打水 (Sūdǎ shuǐ) "soda" I think most of the popular soda is Cola. “Cola is kind of soda.” 可乐是一种苏打水。 (Kělè shì yì zhǒng Sūdǎshuǐ.) 薯片 (shǔpiàn) "potato chips" This is very crispy, so I like to potato chips very much. Do you like it? But "Potato chips are a kind of deep-fried food, so it's not healthy." 薯片是一种油炸食品所以它不健康。 (Shǔpiàn shì yì zhǒng yóu zhá shípǐn, suǒyǐ tā bù jiànkāng.) Potato chips. 微波炉爆米花 (wēibōlú bàomǐhuā) "microwave popcorn" Do you like microwave popcorn? I think the Americans like the microwave popcorn the most. But, "The butter flavor in microwave popcorn has a chemical that can lead to cancer, so it's dangerous." 爆米花中的奶香味物质可以致癌所以它很危险。 (Bàomǐhuā zhōng de nǎi xiāngwèi wùzhi kěyǐ zhìái, suǒyǐ tā hěn wēixiǎn.) This is a corn. This is a microwave popcorn! 巧克力 (qiǎokèlì) "chocolate" Do you like chocolate? I like chocolate! I can’t help to eat chocolate every single day. But, “Chocolate has a lot of fat." 巧克力有很多脂肪。 (Qiǎokèlì yǒu hěn duō zhīfáng.) So to keep me slim, I must not eat chocolate every day. This is chocolate. Mmmm… Okay, that’s all for today! Today we learn 10 foods that will kill you faster. Ah, it's so weird because this kind of unhealthy food really is so delicious, you can't help to eat it. Mmm. Strange right? Do you like this kind of food? Please comment below and don't forget to subscribe. Ok that's all for today. Bye bye! See you next time! Bad! It’s a bacon, actually is just like bacon. No, it's not funny. Fat!