Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hi, hello! Welcome, everyone! I’m Yuting. Today I'm going to tell you 10 ways to remember words! Maybe you can find a really efficient and useful way in this lesson, so let's begin! 我一遍又一遍重复练习阅读、写作和口语。 (Wǒ yíbiàn yòu yíbiàn chóngfù liànxí yuèdú, xiězuò hé kǒuyǔ.) "I use repetition reading, writing and speaking new words over and over again" and I think the key to learning a new language is a repetition. I read the Chinese character over and over again. 我听歌并记歌词。 (Wǒ tīng gē bìng jì gēcí.) "I listen to songs and memorize the lyrics." Actually, this way is so useful and I highly recommend it since that name is, “The moon represents my heart.” 月亮代表我的心。 (yuèliàng dàibiǎo Wǒ de xīn.) 把文字和图片联系起来。 (Bǎ wénzì hé túpiàn liánxì qǐlai.) "Associate the Chinese word with the picture." Yeah, that's a really efficient way. Let me show you an example, this is a picture of a mountain and this is a Chinese character. You see, this actually the Chinese character is originally from the picture. So it's very easy in a way which to learn new words. 我把新学的词和其他学过的相关词语联系在一起。 (Wǒ bǎ xīn xué de cí hé qítā xuéguò de xiāngguān cíyǔ liánxì zài yìqǐ .) "I categorize the new words with other related words that I already know." For example, today your new word is 热水 (rèshuǐ) “hot water” It’s not 热水 (rèshuǐ). 热水 (rèshuǐ) means “hot water”. You can associate 热水 (rèshuǐ) “hot water” with cold water, bottle of water, so blah blah blah. So you can know lots of words about water, so your words will multiply. 我把新学的词和故事、游戏或电影联系在一起。 (Wǒ bǎ xīn xué de cí hé gùshi, yóuxì huò diànyǐng liánxì zài yìqǐ.) "I associate new words with stories, games or movies.” Yeah, it’s really a good way to remember new words because in Chinese character each character has like one story. So if you know the story, you can totally learn the words it's very efficient way and very interesting. 尽量多阅读尤其是多读报纸这样有利于我记单词。 (Jìnliàng duō yuèdú , yóuqí shì duō dúbào zhǐ, zhèyàng yǒulìyú Wǒ jì dāncí.) "Reading as much as possible, especially in newspaper helps me remember new words." Generally speaking, if you want to read a Chinese book or newspaper, you just need three thousand Chinese characters actually it's not so hard. If I just know three thousand English words, I can do nothing. 我尽量在日常生活中使用中文。 (Wǒ jìnliàng zài rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng shǐyòng Zhōngwén.) "I try to use Chinese as much as possible in my daily life.” Yeah, I think this way is the best way to learn Chinese. Use it as much as possible in your daily life. For example, you can look in the dictionary how to order food in the restaurant, you just use it. 我试着将所学到的新词用在句子里这样我学会的是完整的表达而不是一个个单独的词语。 (Wǒ shìzhe jiāng suǒxuédào de xīncí yòng zài jùzi lǐ, zhèyàng Wǒ xuéhuì de shì wánzhěng de biǎodá ér bú shì yí gègè dāndú de cíyǔ.) "I try to use new words in a simple sentence, so I learn whole phrases, not just individual words.” Yeah, that's right if you just remember only individual words and you don't know how these words performance in the whole sentence is useless. So it's better you also remember some sentence. 我尽可能跟母语者说话。 (Wǒ jìn kěnéng gēn mǔyǔ zhě shuōhuà.)Which in Canoga, [Mu] Joshua? "I speak as often as possible with native speakers." That is a good way. Utilizing the pronunciation from the native speaker and also the natives speaker can correct your pronunciation. 看ChineseClass101.com上面的视频。 (Kàn ChineseClass101.com shàngmian de shìpín.) "Watch videos on ChineseClass101.com." Yeah, that's a good way because we have lots of videos and audios; you can repeat and repeat again. Yeah, that's all for today. Today we learned 10 ways to remember words. What kind of way do you use, and you think is very useful? Please share with us, please! Okay? Please comment below and don’t forget to subscribe. Okay, thank you! Bye-bye, see you next time!.