Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hi! My name is Rui. Welcome to Chinese Top Words. Today, we are going to be doing 10 Sad Words. Sad words. Let’s get started. 伤心 (shāngxīn) “hurt” The first one is 伤心 (shāngxīn). 伤 (shāng) means “hurt,” 心 (xīn) means “heart”. For example, 她拒绝了我,我很伤心。 (Tā jùjué le wǒ, wǒ hěn shāngxīn.) “She turned me down. I feel so hurt.” 难过 (nánguò) “sad” 难过 (nánguò) means “sad”. It’s more commonly used than 伤心 (shāngxīn). So anything which makes you feel unhappy, you can say 难过 (nánguò). 别难过了,会好起来的。 (Bié nánguò le, huì hǎo qǐlái de.) “Don't be sad. Everything will be back on the track again.” 痛苦 (tòngkǔ de) “painful” The next one is a little stronger, 痛苦 (tòngkǔ de) that means “painful”. My heart hurts very badly, 痛苦 (tòngkǔ de). 还有什么比这更痛苦的事吗? (Háiyǒu shénme bǐ zhè gèng tòngkǔ de shì ma?) “Is there anything more painful than that?” So if somebody turned you down, you feel sad. Sad means 难过 (nánguò), but if your five-year relationship boyfriend dumped you for another girl, that’s painful. Okay, I hope you never use this word in your life. 闷闷不乐 (mènmènbúlè) “depressed” So the next one is 闷闷不乐 (mènmènbúlè) “depressed”. 最近你总是闷闷不乐的,怎么了? (Zuìjìn nǐ zǒngshì mènmènbúlè de, zěnme le ?) “Lately, you've been acting like you're depressed. What's going on?” 失望 (shīwàng) “disappointed” 失 (shī) means “lose,” 望 (wàng) means “hope,” so lose hope. For example, 我对你太失望了。 (Wǒ duì nǐ tài shīwàng le.) “I'm so disappointed at you.” So when you say this sentence, you always stress 太 tài); 太 (tài); 我对你太失望了。 (Wǒ duì nǐ tài shīwàng le.) 孤独 (gūdú) “lonely” 孤独 (gūdú) in English is “lonely”. 我们要学会享受孤独。 (Wǒmen yào xuéhuì xiǎngshòu gūdú.) “We should learn to enjoy loneliness.” I don’t feel lonely easily, 我不太容易觉得孤独。 (Wǒ bù tài róngyì juédé gūdú.) 想家 (xiǎngjiā) “to be homesick” So the next one is 想家 (xiǎngjiā) “to be homesick”. 想 (xiǎng) means “miss,” 家 (jiā) means “home,” so 想家 (xiǎngjiā) means “homesick.” 你会常常想家吗? (Nǐ huì chángcháng xiǎngjiā ma?) In English, “Do you get homesick a lot?” For me, not really. I only get homesick when I’m sick. 哭 (kū) “to cry” 哭 (kū) in English, it means “to cry”. So the Chinese character is very vivid. It has two eyes and has tears and you open your mouth big, ahh, like crying, yeah. So, for example, “Do you cry easily?” 你很容易哭吗? (Nǐ hěn róngyì kū ma?) For me, yeah, I cry often and cry easily. So if you don’t watch my video, I will cry. 失败 (shībài) “failure” 失败 (shībài) in English is “failure”. For example, very famous proverb in Chinese: 失败是成功之母。 (Shībài shì chénggōng zhī mǔ.) “Failure is a mother of success.” So this proverb means, in order to be successful you have to go through a lot of failures. So if you failed your job, if you failed your relationship, don’t be depressed because you’d be successful next time. 可怜 (kělián) “pitiful” For example, 这只流浪狗好可怜。 (Zhè zhǐ liúlàng gǒu hǎo kělián.) “This stray dog looks so pitiful.” In Chinese, 可怜 (kělián) doesn’t necessarily mean negatively. If some girl looks pitiful, it can be also cute. Okay, today we covered 10 Chinese Sad Words. Let us know which is your favorite Chinese Sad Words. And don’t forget to check out ChineseClass101.com. I’ll see you there! Bye!