Tutorial Transcript
Hey! Welcome to Chinese Top Words. My name is Rui. Today, we are going to talk about top 10 phrases to know when having a baby. Let’s get started! 母乳喂养 (mǔrǔ wèiyǎng) “to breastfeed” 母乳喂养是医生推荐的喂养方式。 (Mǔrǔ wèiyǎng shì yīshēng tuījiàn de wèiyǎng fāngshì.) “Breastfeeding is recommended by doctors.” 换尿布 (huàn niàobù) “to change a diaper” 这位爸爸一定经常给宝宝换尿片。 (Zhè wèi bàba yídìng jīngcháng gěi bǎobao huàn niào piàn.) “This dad must have changed a lot of diapers for the baby.” 戴围嘴 (dài wéi zuǐ) “to put on a bib” 吃饭前要给宝宝戴好围嘴。 (Chīfàn qián yào gěi bǎobao dài hǎo wéizuǐ.) Make sure you put on a bib on the baby before he eats.” It sounds easy to put on a bib. It’s actually not easy. I did it before so baby likes messing up things too, like me. 换衣服 (huàn yīfu) “to change clothes” 给新生儿换衣服要很小心。 (Gěi xīnshēngér huàn yīfu yào hěn xiǎoxīn.) “You got to be careful when changing clothes for a newborn.” 唱摇篮曲 (chàng yīshǒu yáolánqǔ) “to sing a lullaby” 妈妈唱着摇篮曲把宝宝哄睡着了。 (Māma chàngzhe yáolánqū bǎ bǎobao hōng shuìzháo le.) “Baby fell asleep while Mommy was singing a lullaby.” 小睡 (xiǎo shuì) “to take a nap” 宝宝小睡的时候妈妈也跟着小睡了一下。 (Bǎobao xiǎo shuì de shíhou māma yě gēnzhe xiǎo shuì le yíxià.) “When baby was taking a nap, Mommy took a nap too.” So in my hometown, it’s very common for the school kids to go home in the lunch time to have lunch and take a nap and go into school in the afternoon and when I go to America and go to Japan, I don’t find this culture in other countries, then I feel taking nap is a culture of my hometown. I really enjoy taking nap in my school days. 买汽车座椅 (mǎi qìchē zuòyǐ) “to buy a car seat” 在婴儿出生前就得买好汽车座椅。 (Zài yīngér chūshēng qián jiù děi mǎihǎo qìchē zuòyǐ.) “You should get a car seat before the baby is born.” 推婴儿车 (tuī yīng'ér chē) “to push a stroller” 推婴儿车出门要比抱着孩子轻松。 (Tuī yīngérchē chūmén yào bǐ bào zhe háizi qīngsōng.) “Pushing a stroller is so much easier than carrying a baby when going out.” But it’s not true in my hometown because my hometown has a lot of slope so actually, pushing a stroller is much harder than carrying a baby when going out. 洗澡 (xǐ zǎo) “to bathe” 洗澡的时间到了。 (Xǐzǎo de shíjiān dàole.) “It's time for a bath.” 做婴儿食品 (zuò yīng'ér shípǐn) “to make baby food” 这是她第一次做婴儿食品。 (Zhè shì tā dì yī cì zuò yīngér shípǐn.) “This is her first time making baby food.” I never had experienced of making baby food, but I have tried it and I actually like it because I do not like crispy things so baby food is perfect for me. Thank you for watching today’s Chinese Top Words. Don’t forget to subscribe to ChineseClass101.com and I will see you next time. Bye!