Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Welcome to Chinese Top Words! My name is Rui, and today we’re going to talk about 10 Must-Know Autumn Vocabulary. 毛衣 (máoyī) “sweater” 我最喜欢这件红色毛衣了。 (Wǒ zuì xǐhuan zhè jiàn hóngsè máoyī le.) “This red sweater is my favorite.” 长袖衫 (chángxiù shān) “long-sleeved shirt” 这件长袖衫我连着穿了一个星期。 (Zhè jiàn chángxiù shān Wǒ liánzhe chuānle yí ge xīngqī.) “I've been wearing this long-sleeved shirt every day for one week.” 冷 (lěng) “cold” 今天很冷,你得多穿点衣服。 (Jīntiān hěn lěng, nǐ de duō chuān diǎn yīfu.) “Today is cold; you should wear more clothes.” 凉 (liáng) “cool” 天气转凉了,秋天到了。 (Tiānqì zhuǎn liáng le, qiūtiān dàole.) “The weather is getting cooler. Autumn is here.” 秋天 (qiūtiān) “autumn” 秋天是个美丽的季节。 (Qiūtiān shì ge měilì de jìjié.) “Autumn is a beautiful season.” 风大 (fēng dà) “windy” 风太大了,我差点被刮走了。 (Fēng tài dà le, Wǒ chādiǎn bèi guā zǒu le.) “It is so windy that I almost got blown away.” 栗子 (lìzi ) “chestnut” 这些烤栗子好香啊。 (Zhè xiē kǎo lìzi hǎo xiāng a.) "These roasted chestnuts smell so good.” I love chestnut, especially in Japan. There are so many desserts made of chestnuts. I think it’s westernized Japanese dessert. 树叶 (shùyè) “leaf” 树叶变黄了。 (Shùyè biàn huáng le.) “The leaves turned yellow.” 落叶 (luòyè) “falling leaves” 满地都是金黄的落叶,太美了。 (Mǎn dì dū shì jīnhuáng de luòyè, tài měi le.) “The golden-brown falling leaves are all over the ground. It’s so beautiful.” 中秋节 (Zhōngqiū jié) “Mid-autumn Day” 中秋节是家人团聚的节日。 (Zhōngqiū jié shì jiārén tuánjùde jiérì.) “The Mid-Autumn Day is a holiday for family to get together.” In China in Mid-Autumn Day, Chinese usually eat mooncake for celebrating this holiday. So thank you for watching Chinese Top Words today. Do you like autumn? What’s your favorite season? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to check out our website. I will see you there! Bye!