Tutorial Transcript
Hi guys! Today we're going to talk about 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. 你最近长胖了吗? (Nǐ zuìjìn zhǎngpàngle ma?) "Have you gained weight recently?" Just my guess, that especially girls never want to hear this sentence. Even if you think this girl is fatter than before, you can never say that! You can say, like, you’re a little bit fatter than before, but I like this. 最近你身材变得更有型了,我很喜欢。 (Zuìjìn nǐ shēncái biàn dé gèng yǒuxíngle, wǒ hěn xǐhuan.) 你被解雇了! (Nǐ bèi jiěgùle!) "You are fired!" This sentence is not so common in China, especially for the government owned enterprise, because this kind of job is 铁饭碗 (tiě fàn wǎn), which means “steel bowl,” you can never lose that job. Maybe you can quit the company, but the company can’t fire you. Unless if you break the law and have to go to jail, maybe then you can be fired. 你这儿有根白头发。 (Nǐ zhè'er yǒu gēn bái tóufa.) "You have a grey hair." For this sentence, I think people never want to become old, so they don’t like this sentence. But maybe for the young people, they don’t care; they don’t care about the grey hair. For example, your mother has grey hair, and you think it’s not so beautiful, you can say 妈妈,我们一块儿去染头发吧。这个颜色的头发很漂亮。 (Māmā, wǒmen yíkuàir qù rǎn tóufa ba. Zhège yánsè de tóufa hěn piàoliang.) that means ”Mom, let's go to dye the hair, I think another kind of the color is more beautiful." 哦,对不起,我忘了。 (ò, duìbuqǐ, wǒ wàngle.) "Sorry, I forgot." If you made a promise to your friends and you forgot, you can say, 对不起,我忘了。我请你吃饭吧。 (ò, duìbuqǐ, wǒ wàngle. Wǒ qǐng nǐ chīfàn ba.) that means ”Sorry, I forgot. May I treat you a dinner?" Then maybe your friends can forgive you, 你的朋友也许会原谅你 (Nǐ de péngyǒu yěxǔ huì yuánliàng nǐ). 感谢你给我们投简历, 但是这个职位已经有合适的人选了。 (Gǎnxiè nǐ gěi wǒmen tóu jiǎnlì, dànshì zhège zhíwèi yǐjīng yǒu héshì de rénxuǎnle.) "Thanks for your resume, however the position has been filled." I think if you received some mail telling you this position is not available, I think you'll really like it, because generally in China they will never return your message. This sentence is really common when you are job hunting. 这个句子在你找工作的时候很常见。 (Zhège jùzi zài nǐ zhǎo gōngzuò de shíhòu hěn chángjiàn.) 我们不合适。 (Wǒmen bù héshì.) "We are not right for each other." If you hear that the next sentence must be, 我们分手吧。(Wǒmen fēnshǒu ba.) "Let's break up." That’s so sad, this sentence. I don’t want to break up with you. 我想和你谈一谈。 (Wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ tányitán.) "We need to talk." If my boss or my teacher on my parents say my full name, 包雨婷,我想和你谈一谈。 (Bāo Yǔtíng, wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ tányitán.) That means ”Yuting, I want to talk with you." I know I will get into trouble, 我有麻烦啦 (Wǒ yǒu máfan la). 我早告诉过你了。 (Wǒ zǎo gàosuguò nǐle.) "I told you so." It’s a really negative sentence, trust me guys. Please don’t use it, this sentence. If you say something, after this thing has already happened, it’s called 马后炮 (Mǎ hòu pào) that means ”it is nothing,” because it’s already happened. You should say “don’t worry, we can change another way.” 没关系,我们可以换其他方法。 (Méiguānxì, wǒmen kěyǐ huàn qítā fāngfǎ.) 那是个坏主意。 (Nà shìgè huài zhǔyi.) "That's a bad idea." If you give your friends an idea, an impressive idea, you think, and your friends just say to you 主意是坏主意。 (Zhǔyi shì huài zhǔyi.) “Your idea is not good." Maybe you’ll be very sad. 你的建议没用。 (Nǐde jiànyì méiyòng.) "Your suggestion is not working." I think if somebody gave me suggestions I would be so grateful, and appreciate it; even if the suggestion is not working, I would not say that. Actually this sentence we never use in casual life; if the suggestions are really bad , you can just say, 谢谢你的建议。(Xièxie nǐde jiànyì.) "Thanks for your suggestion." That’s all! Ok guys, today we did 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. So guys, don’t use these sentences in your daily life, and if you want to express the same idea, please change another way. Okay, thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe and give me suggestions, 给我建议 (gěi wǒ jiànyì). "Thanks for your suggestion." 谢谢你们的建议。 (Xièxie nǐmende jiànyì.) Bye bye! See you next time.