Tutorial Transcript
Hey guys, today we’re going to learn Top 25 Chinese Adjectives, so let’s begin! 漂亮 (piào liang) "pretty" Trust me, guys, pretty can be used in many situation. For example, "This person is pretty." 这个人很漂亮。(zhège rén hěn piàoliang.) "The place is pretty." 这个地方很漂亮。(zhège dìfang hěn piàoliang.) And you can also use it on the food. 这食物很漂亮。 (zhè shíwù hěn piàoliang.) 好 (hǎo) "kind" Also 好 (hǎo) has another meaning, it's "okay". You can say, “you are such a kind person.” 你人好好呀。你人真好。 (nǐ rén hǎohǎo yā. nǐ rén zhēn hǎo.) Or if others have a request for you, you can say Okay, 好。 (hǎo.) 明亮 (míng liàng) "bright" We also combine with the word "spacious" 宽敞 (kuānchang) Like 宽敞明亮 (kuānchang míngliàng), use it together to describe the new apartment or the big house. For example, “Your new apartment is so spacious and bright." 啊,你的新房子好宽敞明亮啊。 (à , nǐ de xīn fángzǐ hǎo kuānchang míngliàng ā.) 大 (dà) "big" Ok guys, I can play a magic, I can make my face bigger and bigger, look at me. 大,大,大。 (dà,dà,dà.) “big,big,big." 小 (xiǎo) "small" "small creature.” 小生物。(Xiǎo Shēngwù.) “small insect." 小昆虫。 (Xiǎo Kūnchóng.) 高 (gāo) "tall" 姚明 (Yáo míng) is very tall. Do you know 姚明 (Yáo míng)? His famous face. "YaoMing is very tall. Do you know YaoMing? And also 高 (gāo) has another meaning, it's “high”. And for "high", I can give you a sentence like “highly educated" 高学历 (gāo xuélì). 矮 (ǎi) "short" "I don't want to be short." 我不想这么矮。 (Wǒ bù xiǎng zhèmeǎi.) 长 (cháng) "long" "The ruler is long.” 这个尺子很长。(zhège chǐzi hěn cháng.) And also you can use it for time, "It's been a long time." 过了很长时间。(guòle hěn cháng shíjiān.) 有趣 (yǒuqù) "interesting" A more casual way is 很有意思 (hěn yǒu yìsi) “Mark is a really interesting person.” Mark 是很有意思的人。 (Mark shì hěn yǒu yìsi de rén.) Mark 是很有趣的人。 (Mark shì hěn yǒuqù de rén.) "Climbing mountains is very interesting." 爬山很有趣。(páshān hěn yǒuqù.) 爬山很有意思。 (páshān hěn yǒu yìsi.) It’s both ok. 恶心 (ě xīn) "gross" "That person was spitting on the ground, that's gross. Please don't do that." 那个人正在往地上吐痰,好恶心呀,请不要这么做。 (nàge rén zhèngzài wǎngdìshàng tǔ tán, hǎo ěxīn yā, qǐng bùyào zhè me zuò.) 丑 (chǒu) "ugly" 帅的人已醒来,丑的人还在沉睡。 (shuài de rén yǐ xǐnglái, chǒu de rén hái zài chénshuì.) This is just to remind people to wake up early and go to work early. 臭 (chòu) "smelly" I want to introduce you a chemical weapon, 臭袜子 (chòu wàzi) “smelly socks”. 香 (xiāng) "fragrant" You can describe "This dish is fragrant./This dish smells good.” 这个菜很香。(zhège cài hěn xiāng.) or 这道菜很香。(zhè dào cài hěn xiāng.) Fragrant water means “perfume" 香水 (xiāngshuǐ) 湿 (shī rùn) "wet" "My clothes are wet.” 我的衣服被弄湿了。 (Wǒ de yīfu bèi nòngshī le.) 湿润 (shīrùn) “humid”. For example, "the weather in the south of China is humid." 中国南方的天气很湿润。 (Zhōngguónánfāngde tiānqì hěn shīrùn.) It’s good for my skin. 干燥 (gān zào) "dry" "In the north of China, my hometown, the weather is dry.” 在中国北方,天气很干燥。 (zài Zhōngguó běifāng , tiānqì hěn gānzào. ) “Especially in winter." 尤其是冬天。(yóuqí shì dōngtiān.) 黑暗 (hēi àn) "dark" "What will you do in the dark night?" 你们在黑暗的夜里会干什么? (nǐmen zài hēi àn de yèlǐ huì gàn shénme?) 无聊 (wú liáo) "boring" "This book is so boring, let's watch a Youtube video to learn Chinese!" 这本书很无聊,让我们一起看youTube, 学中文吧! (zhè Běn shū hěn wúliáo , ràng wǒmen yīqǐ kàn youTube, xué Zhōngwén ba!) 忙碌 (máng lù) "busy" "The life in the big cities, like Shanghai and Beijing is very busy." 在大城市例如上海、北京的生活非常忙碌。 (zài dà chéngshì lìrú Shànghǎi , Běijīng de shēnghuó fēicháng mánglù.) 热 (rè) "hot" "Ah, it's so hot here, could you please turn on the air conditioner?” 这里好热呀,你能帮我开一下空调吗? (zhèli hǎo rè yā , nǐ néng bāng wǒ kāi yīxià kōngtiáo ma?) 谢谢。(xièxiè.) “Thank you." 冷 (lěng) "cold" "In the north part of China, it is super cold." Trust me, I came from here. 在中国北方,在冬天的时候,天气非常冷。 (zài Zhōngguó běifāng, zài dōngtiān de shíhou, tiānqì fēicháng lěng.) 好吃 (hǎo chī) "tasty" "Chinese food is very tasty.” 中国菜很好吃。(Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎochī.) Trust me guys, the word 好吃 (hǎochī) is very useful. 难 (nán) "hard" "Oh, the test is so hard." 这个考试好难呀。(zhège kǎoshì hǎo nán yā.) 年轻 (nián qīng) "young" ”I am young person.” 我是年轻人。 (Wǒ shì niánqīng rén.) I also want to tell you that “in China, the young people can't afford a house." 在中国,年轻夫妇买不起房。 (zài Zhōngguó , niánqīngfūfù mǎibùqǐ fáng.) 柔软 (róu ruǎn) "soft" Guys, “my arm is really soft.” 我的胳膊很柔软。(Wǒ de gēbo hěn róuruǎn.) But it can be hard, like this. 硬,软,硬,软,硬,软。 (yìng, ruǎn , yìng , ruǎn , yìng , ruǎn.) “hard, soft, hard, soft, hard, soft." Ok guys, today we did the Top 25 Chinese Adjectives, please tell me your favorite adjectives, and please comment, give me suggestions and ideas. Thanks! And don’t forget to subscribe. Okay, that’s all, bye bye. Take care!