Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hi, it's Rui! Welcome to Chinese Top Words. Today we are going to talk about top 10 compliments you always want to hear. Let's begin! 你很帅! (Nǐ hěn shuài!) "You're so handsome!" Okay, the first phrase is 你很帅! (Nǐ hěn shuài!) In English, it means “you're so handsome!" Usually we say it to guys, to male 你很帅! (Nǐ hěn shuài!) 很(hěn) means “very;” 你(nǐ) means “you;” 帅(shuài) means “handsome.” If you want to compliment your boyfriend, or you want to flirt with some guy, you can say 你很帅 (Nǐ hěn shuài),say it with emotion, 你很帅 (Nǐ hěn shuài). If you're a guy and nobody said it to you, it's okay, you can say to yourself, 我很帅! (Wǒ hěn shuài!) 我(wǒ) means “I.” You got it? 你真漂亮! (Nǐ zhēn piàoliang!) "You're so beautiful!" 你真漂亮 (Nǐ zhēn piàoliang) means “you're so beautiful.” You're so beautiful 你真漂亮! (Nǐ zhēn piàoliang!) 漂亮(piàoliang) means “beautiful,” it means “pretty.” Usually we say to girls. And it can girl to girl, or boy to girl, or you can say to yourself; 我真漂亮!(Wǒ zhēn piàoliang!) Hmm… we don't usually say that. 你很聪明! (Nǐ hěn cōngming!) "You're so smart!" 你很聪明 (Nǐ hěn cōngming), in English, is “you are so smart.” Sometimes they can be ironic, as, like, if you cheat in the exam, you can say 你很聪明 (Nǐ hěn cōngming); so it actually means, yeah, you're very good at tricking, so what? So be careful the tone when you say that. 你很聪明!(Nǐ hěn cōngming !) 你很厉害! (Nǐ hěn lìhai!) "You're great!" So the next one is great, 厉害(lìhai). 你很厉害! (Nǐ hěn lìhai!) "You're great!" So it's very common, you can use it everyday, to every, to different people; you can say it to your kid, to your brother, your sister, to your friend. So for example, your friend pass an exam, your friend got a new girlfriend, your friend is on TV, you can say 你很厉害! (Nǐ hěn lìhai!) Or you can just simply say 厉害(lìhai) with this. In China, this means 厉害(lìhai). 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) "Awesome!" The next one is 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) "Awesome!" 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) Yeah, like, this is so delicious, 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) This restaurant 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) We're going to Hawaii tomorrow, 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) So you can use it not only for people, but also for situation, it's very useful, remember it. 真棒! (zhēnbàng!) 干得漂亮! (Gàn de piàoliang!) "Beautiful job!" So your team got the first place in the competition, 干得漂亮! (Gàn de piàoliang!) Your team player did a very good presentation, 干得漂亮! (Gàn de piàoliang!) "Beautiful job!" 你的性格我很喜欢。 (Nǐ de xìnggé wǒ hěn xǐhuān.) "I like your personality." 你的性格 (nǐ de xìnggé) “your personality;” 我很喜欢 (wǒ hěn xǐhuān) “I like it.” Or in Chinese, you can convert the order, 我很喜欢你的性格 (Wǒ hěn xǐhuān nǐ de xìnggé.) Usually we don't say it to our boss, or to our teacher, to our professor, or to our family members. You always say it to the people we like, or other people you want to flirt with. 你的品味很好。 (Nǐ de pǐnwèi hěn hǎo.) "You have good taste." Or you can just say 你的sense很好。 (Nǐ de sense hěn hǎo.) “I like your sense.” You visit your friend’s home and you like the design, you can say 你的品味很好。 (Nǐ de pǐnwèi hěn hǎo.) "You have good taste (in choosing the right furniture and very good design).” 这件衬衫你穿起来很好看。 (Zhè jiàn chènshān nǐ chuān qǐlai hěn hǎokàn.) "This shirt looks great on you." You can play it, play with this sentence; you can say, oh, “this hat looks good on you,” 这顶帽子你戴起来很好看。 (Zhè dǐng màozi nǐ dài qǐlai hěn hǎokàn.) Or you can say “This sunglass looks great on you,” 这个太阳眼镜你戴起来很好看。 (Zhè ge tàiyáng yǎnjìng nǐ dài qǐlai hěn hǎokàn.) So 很好看(hěn hǎokàn) is is a very useful part. Or if you don't remember, you don't know the Chinese word before the sentence, you don't know what’s the Chinese word for the shirt, for sunglass, you can just say 很好看(hěn hǎokàn). Remember that, 很好看(hěn hǎokàn). 跟你在一起我总是很开心。 (Gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ wǒ zǒngshì hěn kāixīn.) "I'm always happy when I'm with you." Okay, the next one is 跟你在一起我总是很开心。 (Gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ wǒ zǒngshì hěn kāixīn.) "I'm always happy when I'm with you." So 跟你在一起(Gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ) means “I’m with you;” 总是很开心(zǒngshì hěn kāixīn) means "I'm always happy." Or you can reverse the order, 我总是很开心跟你在一起 (Wǒ zǒngshì hěn kāixīn gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ.) So you can use it not only while you're dating somebody, or with your friend, or even business situation; it's like, “I’m always happy when I'm working with you,” so, 跟你在一起工作我很开心 (Gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ gōngzuò wǒ hěn kāixīn). 跟你在一起吃饭(Gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ chīfàn) “when I’m having dinner with you.” So you can use it not only in business situation, or in casual occasion. 跟你在一起我总是很开心。 (Gēn nǐ zài yìqǐ wǒ zǒngshì hěn kāixīn.) So today we did top 10 complements you always want to hear. Let us know what your favorite compliment is, and don't forget to check out and subscribe to ChineseClass101.com. I will see you there, bye!