Tutorial Transcript
Hey everybody, welcome to Chinese Top 25 Chinese Verbs. My name is Bao Yuting, let’s get start. 有 (yǒu) "have" Guys, "I don't have no money" 我没有钱。 (Wǒ méiyǒu qián.) This is all my money. Do you have money? Please comment and let me know. 吃 (chī) "eat" 我想吃薯片。(Wǒ xiǎng chī shǔpiàn.) "I want to eat chips.” 好吃。 (hǎochī.) “Delicious." 笑 (xiào) "laugh" 微笑。(wēixiào.) 大笑。(dàxiào.) 傻笑。(shǎxiào.) 嘲笑。(cháoxiào.) 冷笑。(lěngxiào.) 走 (zǒu) “walk" "If I get up early, I will walk to school." 如果我起床起得早,我会走路上学。 (rúguǒ Wǒ qǐchuáng qǐ děi zǎo , wǒ huì zǒulùshàngxué.) 跑 (pǎo) "run" "If I get up late, I will run to school." 如果我起床起晚了,我一定要跑步上学。 (rúguǒ Wǒ qǐchuáng qǐwǎn le , Wǒ yīdìng yào pǎobù shàngxué.) 喝 (hē) "drink" If you have a guest visiting your home, in China, you must treat your guest tea. For example, this is the tea. Please, 请喝茶。 (qǐng hēchá.) "Please drink the tea." 过来 (guò lái) "come" Hi Matt, “please come here." Matt, 过来一下。 (guòlai yīxià.) 长 (zhǎng) "grow" 魔镜魔镜,请让我长高。 (mó jìng mó jìng , qǐng ràng wǒ zhǎng gāo.) "Mirror mirror, please let me grow taller." 回 (huí) "return" 地球太危险了,我要回火星了。 (dìqiú tài wēi xiǎn le , Wǒ yào huí huǒxīng le.) "The earth is too dangerous, I will return back to Mars." 上 (shàng) "go up" 上楼梯。 (shàng lóutī.) "Go upstairs." Go Go Go! 读 (dú) "read" 读书。 (dúshū.) "Read a magazine" Food! 游泳 (yóu yǒng) "swim" "Swimming is my favorite hobby." 游泳是我最大的爱好。 (yóuyǒng shì Wǒ zuì dà de àihào.) Frog style, free style, butterfly. 跳舞 (tiào wǔ) "dance" "Do you like to dance?" Yeah, I like it. 你喜欢跳舞吗? (nǐ xǐhuān tiàowǔ ma?) Mongolian dance, hip hop, ballet. 工作 (gōng zuò) "work" 啊,我很喜欢跟我的团队一块儿工作。 (ā , Wǒ hěn xǐhuān gēn Wǒ de tuánduì yīkuàir gōngzuò.) (“I like working with my team.") Thank you, guys! 放松 (fàng sōng) "relax" "Let's have a eyes massage to relax a little bit." 我们做一下眼部按摩,放松一下吧。 (wǒmen zuò yīxià yǎn bù ànmó , fàngsōng yīxià ba.) 开车 (kāi chē) "drive" Left left, right, right. "I'm so nervous when I'm driving." 我开车时好紧张。 (Wǒ kāichē shí hǎo jǐnzhāng.) 想 (xiǎng) "think" What did you eat for lunch? "Let me think." 让我想想。 (ràng wǒ xiǎngxiang.) Pizza! 试试 (shì shì) "try" This hat is beautiful, “let me try it." 我一定要试一下。试一试。 (Wǒ yīdìng yào shì yīxià. Shìyīshì.) 愿意 (yuàn yì) "be willing to" “Yuting, would you like to marry me?” “Hmm… let me think.” “Yuting, would you like to marry me?” 我愿意。 (Wǒ yuànyì.) “I’m willing to." In China, if you want to marry a girl, you must have a ring, a house or apartment. But I’m not such girl. 开始 (kāi shǐ) "start" Generally I’ll say "Let's start it.” that means 让我们开始吧。(ràng wǒmen kāishǐ ba.) And also I wanna give you another sentence. “Today I'm going to start my work out." 从今天开始,我要开始健身。 (cóng jīntiān kāishǐ , Wǒ yào kāishǐ jiànshēn.) 停止 (tíngzhǐ) "stop" 时间停止吧,我还想再睡半小时。 (shíjiān tíngzhǐ ba , Wǒ hái xiǎng zài shuì bànxiǎoshí.) "Time, please stop, I want sleep another half an hour." 敢 (gǎn) "dare" So scary. 我不敢摸。 (Wǒ bù gǎn mō.) "I dare not touch it." 担心 (dān xīn) "worry" In China, maybe you get a message from your friends, how are you? how are you recently? You can say that "I'm good, don't worry about me." that is 我很好,不用担心我。 (Wǒ hěn hǎo , bù yòng dānxīn Wǒ.) And plus “thank you” 谢谢 (xièxiè) 变化 (biànhuà) "change" "Mary! Long time no see. You have changed a lot." 几年不见,你变化好大。 (jǐ nián bùjiàn , nǐ biànhuà hǎo dà.) 说 (shuō) "say" 说说说说说你爱我,我我我我说不出口。 (shuōshuo shuōshuo shuō nǐ ài wǒ, wǒ wǒ wǒ wǒ shuō bù chū kǒu.) Say is a very common word. “Please say it again?” 你能再说一遍吗? (nǐ néng zài shuō yī biàn ma?) Okay! That’s all for today, Chinese Top 25 Verbs. So guys, please comment why you study Chinese, let me know the answer. Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Thank you, bye bye!