Tutorial Transcript
Hi, guys! Welcome to this lesson! Today we’re going to learn 10 Questions You Should Know. Ok, let’s get started! 你住在哪?(Nǐ zhù zài nǎ?) "Where do you live?" “Which street?” 住哪条街?(Zhù nǎ tiáo jiē?) “Which building?” 住哪个房子?(Zhù nǎge fángzi?) And also you can just say that “I live with my parents.” 我住父母家。(Wǒ zhù fùmǔ jiā) Or “I live in a hotel.” 我住宾馆。(Wǒ zhù bīnguǎn.) 你叫什么名字? (Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?) "What’s your name?" It’s a really common and basic question, but (let’s see) a more advanced (version) like 您贵姓?(Nín guìxìng?) is very respectful to the person. It’s “What’s your family name?” And also in China 您贵姓?(Nín guìxìng?) is more common than ”What’s your name?”, maybe. 你好,你叫什么名字? (Nǐ hǎo, nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?) 我叫包雨婷。(Wǒ jiào Bāo Yǔtíng.) As a more advanced conversation 您好,请问您贵姓?(Nín hǎo, qǐngwèn nín guìxìng?) 免贵,姓包。(Miǎn guì, xìng bāo.) 你在哪工作? (Nǐ zài nǎ gōngzuò?) "Where do you work?" Maybe you can answer, like, the city. For example 我在北京工作。 (Wǒ zài běijīng gōngzuò.) “I work in Beijing.” And also you can answer the company name, you can also say, like, 我在某某公司工作。 (Wǒ zài mǒu mǒu gōngsī gōngzuò.) 你多大了?(Nǐn duōdàle?) "How old are you?" It’s a secret! But for this sentence, 你多大了?(Nǐn duōdàle?) it’s like you’re asking small children, age from 3 years old to 12 years old, maybe. It’s like, 小朋友,你多大了? (Xiǎopéngyǒu, nǐn duōdàle?) And for teenager, especially for girls, you can ask, like, 您芳龄几何?(Nín fānglíng jǐhé?) 请问您芳龄? (Qǐngwèn nín fānglíng?) it also means “please tell me your age.” And for senior person, you can never never use these sentences like 你多大了?(Nǐn duōdàle?) 你几岁了?(Nǐn jǐ suìle?), no! If you must ask, use 请问您高寿? (Qǐngwèn nín gāoshòu?) 你来自哪? (Nǐ láizì nǎ?) "Where are you from?" If you really want to know the hometown, you must ask 您老家是哪里?(Nín lǎojiā shì nǎlǐ?) That means “Where is your hometown?” “Where did you come from?” And if you just say 你来自哪?(Nǐ láizì nǎ?) Maybe I can answer, like, “I came from Beijing University.” 你说什么?(Nǐ shuō shénme?) "What did you say?" If you can’t hear clearly about the question or the word from other people, you can ask 不好意思,您说什么? (Bùhǎoyìsi, nín shuō shénme?) If you feel very shocked about the words, you can say 嗯,你说什么?!(Ń, nǐ shuō shénme?!) It’s 什么?!(shénme?!) 洗手间在哪? (Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎ?) "Where is the bathroom?" It’s a survival Chinese, guys, you must know that. And also I recommend you to speak more polite, like, 不好意思,请问一下洗手间在哪? (Bùhǎoyìsi, qǐngwèn yīxià xǐshǒujiān zài nǎ?) The person may answer you. 你看,就在那边。(Nǐ kàn, jiù zài nà biān.) “Just over there!" 你在哪里学的中文? (Nǐ zài nǎlǐ xué de zhōngwén?) "Where did you learn Chinese?" “I learned from a YouTube channel.” 我从YouTube视频上学的。 (Wǒ cóng YouTube shìpín shàng xué de.) “I learnt by myself.” 我自学的。(Wǒ zìxué de.) 我的专业是中文。 (Wǒ de zhuānyè shì zhōngwén.) “My major is Chinese." “I learnt from school." 我从学校里学的。 (Wǒ cóng xuéxiào lǐ xué de.) 你学中文多久了? (Nǐ xué zhōngwén duōjiǔle?) "How long have you been studying Chinese?" 一个月,两个月 (Yī gè yuè, liǎng gè yuè), pay attention on 个 (gè), “one month, two months”. And also you can speak for “one year, two years”, there is no 个 (gè). If you don’t want to tell the person how long, or the exact time, you can say 没有多长时间。(Méiyǒu duō cháng shíjiān.) ”Not so much time.” Or “It's been a long time." 学了很久了。(Xuéle hěnjiǔle.) 你的生日是什么时候? (Nǐ de shēngrì shì shénme shíhòu?) "When is your birthday?" For a Chinese person, like my family, is a traditional family, so we use the lunar calendar, 阴历 (yīn lì). And I will say 我的阴历生日是几月几号。 (Wǒ de yīnlì shēngrì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào.) And for you, absolutely, you use the western calendar, if you want to tell the native speaker, you can answer, like 我的阳历生日是几月几号。 (Wǒ de yánglì shēngrì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào.) That means “My western calendar birthday is on (x month x date).” Ok! That’s all for today. Today we learned 10 Questions You Must Know in Chinese. And guys, if you have any questions that you want to know, and about a question that you don’t know how to answer in Chinese, you can comment below, let me know, I can answer that. Ok! Thanks for watching! love you! Don’t forget to subscribe, bye-bye! My hobby is take photo, 我的兴趣是摄影 (Wǒ de xìngqù shì shèyǐng.) What’s your hobby, guys? 你的兴趣是什么? (Nǐ de xìngqù shì shénme?) Please comment!