Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Hi, I'm Rui. Welcome to Chinese Top Words! Today we are going to talk about 10 things to do in the summer in China. Okay, let's get started! 出国旅行 (chūguó lǚxíng) "to travel abroad" The first one is 出国旅行 (chūguó lǚxíng) "to travel abroad" For example, 我很期待这次出国旅行! (Wǒ hěn qīdài zhècì chūguó lǚxíng!) "I'm so looking forward to this trip abroad. " 去海滩放松 (qù hǎitān fàngsōng) "to relax at the beach" 海滩(hǎitān) means “beach;” “relax” means 放松(fàngsōng). But in China now, if you say “relax,” everybody can understand you. For example, 你太辛苦了,应该找个机会去海滩放松放松。(Nǐ tài xīn kǔ le, yīnggāi zhǎo ge jīhuì qù hǎitān fàngsōng fàngsōng.) "You've been working so hard; you should go relax on a beach when you get a chance. " So we say 放松放松(fàngsōng) instead of 放松(fàngsōng); it’s more casual and sounds more friendly, it sounds cuter too, right? 跟着ChineseClass101.com学中文 (gēnzhe ChineseClass101.com xué Zhōngwén) "to learn Chinese with ChineseClass101.com." 跟着ChineseClass101.com学中文 (gēnzhe ChineseClass101.com xué Zhōngwén) "to learn Chinese with ChineseClass101.com." 自从跟着ChineseClass101.com学中文,我的中文进步了不少。 (Zìcóng gēnzhe ChineseClass101.com xué Zhōngwén, wǒ de Zhōngwén jìnbù le bùshǎo.) "Ever since I started learning Chinese with ChineseClass101.com, I have made a lot of improvement on my Chinese." 学做中国菜 (xué zuò Zhōngguó cài) "to learn to cook Chinese food" 来中国学习怎么能不学做中国菜呢? (Lái Zhōngguó xuéxí zěnme néng bù xué zuò Zhōngguó cài ne?) "How can you not learn to cook Chinese food when you come study in China?" My favorite Chinese food is fried tomato and eggs, and the tomatoes the more the better. 做份兼职 (zuò fèn jiānzhí) "to work a part-time job" 你暑假打算做一份什么样的兼职? (Nǐ shǔjià dǎsuàn zuò yí fèn shénmeyàng de jiānzhí?) "What kind of part-time job do you plan on doing this summer break?" My first part-time job is washing dishes for my parents, I get paid and it’s not everyday and it's flexible, I guess it’s my first part-time job. 办烧烤派对 (bàn shāokǎo pàiduì) "to have a barbecue party" Or you could just say so 烧烤(shāokǎo) party. 下个星期五我会办个烧烤派对,你能来吗? (Xià gè xīngqī wǔ wǒ huì bàn ge shāokǎo pàiduì, nǐ néng lái ma?) "I'm going to throw a barbecue party next Friday. Can you come?" 锻炼身体 (duànliàn shēntǐ) "to work out" 妈妈总是让我抽空去锻炼身体。 (Māma zǒngshì ràng wǒ chōukòng qù duànliàn shēntǐ.) "My mom always tells me to make time for working out." 参加暑期学校 (cānjiā shǔqī xuéxiào) "to attend summer school" 我想参加一个暑期学校,你有什么推荐吗? (Wǒ xiǎng cānjiā yí ge shǔqī xuéxiào, nǐ yǒu shénme tuījiàn ma?) "I'd like to go to a summer school. Do you have any recommendations?" 回家看望家人 (huíjiā kànwàng jiārén) "to go home and visit family" 来中国三年了,我很想回家探望我的家人。 (Lái Zhōngguó sān nián le, wǒ hěn xiǎng huíjiā tànwàng wǒ de jiārén.) "I've been living in China for three years. I really want to go back home and visit my family." 看小说 (kàn xiǎoshuō) "to read a novel" 我周末最喜欢做的事就是躺在沙发上看小说。 (Wǒ zhōumò zuì xǐhuan zuò de shì jiùshì tǎngzài shāfā shàng kàn xiǎoshuō.) "My favorite thing to do on a weekend is to lay on the couch and read a novel." Today we have learned 10 things to do in the summer in China! Let us know what do you like to do! My favorite thing to do in summer in China is try my best to stay at home, to try every means to get away from the sun! And don't forget to check out ChineseClass101.com! I will see you there, bye!